Time and Location
THURSDAY, Oct 17, 2024 at 6:30 PM
In Person:
Microsoft Redmond Reactor | 3709 157th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052
Conf Room 20/1143 (12) Maple Reactor
On Line Using Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 226 052 931 290
Passcode: Ki9MaY
Call in (audio only)
+1 323-849-4874
Phone Conference ID: 857 754 217#
JAI is a work-in-progress programming language, originally
designed as a replacement for C++ for use in game development. This
talk will discuss JAI’s advantages for increasing programmer
productivity, particularly in creative programming applications.
Particular focus will be given to JAI’s powerful compile-time
metaprogramming features, as well as comparisons with other low-level
programming languages including C++ and Rust.
Speaker Bio
Jatin Chowdhury is an audio signal processing engineer and software developer, with a focus in music technology. He has previously
studied at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), and worked as an Audio Test Engineer for Tesla Motors.
He currently lives in Seattle, WA, and runs Chowdhury DSP, a boutique audio software company.
Post Meeting Social
Following the official meeting folks are welcome to wander over to the Cofee Haus at the Overlake Red Robin (148th Ave and 24th) to continue chatting until they close the doors!