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November 18th, 2009 — Metaprogramming in D : Some Real-world Examples — Bill Baxter
In the D Programming Language it is possible for even mere mortals to write code that executes at compile-time. And the resulting code is generally even human readable! In this talk I’ll show some of the metaprogramming …
October 21st, 2009 — Haskell and C++ Template Metaprogramming — Bartosz Milewski
It’s a well known fact in C++ metaprogramming circles that it’s all based on functional programming. What else is based on functional programming? Haskell! I will go through functional features of Haskell, one by one, and …
September 16th, 2009 — Ownership System Against Data Races — Bartosz Milewski
After reading a bunch of papers about type systems that prevent data races in multithreaded programs, I asked myself the question: Short of a type system, can a clever methodology be used to prevent data races? It turns …
August 2009: No Meeting
July 2009: No Meeting
June 17th, 2009 — Concurrent Programming in the D Programming Language — Walter Bright
Many-core concurrent programming offers exciting and compelling advantages. The single-core, single-thread programming model is assumed by imperative programming languages. This model offers sequential consistency as its fundamental characteristic. Because many-core systems use layered cache memory systems, sequential consistency …
May 20th, 2009 — Concurrency Runtime and Parallel Pattern Library — Dana Groff, Don McCrady, and Rick Molloy
C++: Building scalable applications in Visual Studio 2010 with the Concurrency Runtime and Parallel Pattern Library
In this talk, we’ll do a deep dive of the Concurrency Runtime and the Parallel Libraries built on top of them, and …
April 15th, 2009 — Axum: The Language Of Agents — Artur Laksberg
Axum is an incubation project in Microsoft’s Parallel Computing Team. A .Net programming language based on asynchronous agents, isolation, and message-passing, Axum allows developers to partition their applications into isolated components that communicate with each other via …
March 18th, 2009 — How Compilers Work — Walter Bright
Compilers are a fundamental tool for programmers. Knowing how they work enables a much more effective use of them. This presentation covers how they work—the various passes like lexing, parsing semantic analysis, optimization, and code generation—and …
February 18th, 2009 — CCR: Concurrency and Coordination Runtime — Andreas Ulbrich
The Concurrency and Coordination Runtime (CCR) provides developers an easy way to create and coordinate loosely-coupled, data-driven applications. It is one of the core building blocks of Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio but has applications far beyond robotics. CCR …