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Mar 20, 2025: Choosing The Right Language (for your project)

Time and Location

THURSDAY, Mar 20, 2025 at 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Please be aware of and adhere to the Microsoft Reactor Code of Conduct

In Person:
Microsoft Redmond Reactor | 3709 157th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052
Conf Room 20/1143 (12) Maple Reactor

On Line Using Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 237 435 785 851
Passcode: Ht2sr3Nv

Call in (audio only)
+1 323-849-4874
Phone Conference ID: 728 861 138#


Choosing The Right Language (for your project)


When starting a new software project the language chosen can be key to the success or failure of the project. Often times the language that gets chosen gets little to no attention, and the “default” language of the individual or group gets used.

We are not going to look at any specific programming language; we are going to walk through a list of language properties that can inform the choice of a programming language for a specific project.

The goal of this talk is to get you to think of a programming language as a set of features and properties, then match those properties to the task at hand to choose the programming language.

Speaker Bio

Lloyd Moore is the founder and owner of CyberData Corporation, which provides consulting services in the aerospace, robotics, machine vision and industrial automation fields. Lloyd has worked in software industry for 40 years. His formal training is in biological-based artificial intelligence, electronics, and psychology. Lloyd is also currently the president of the Northwest C++ User’s Group and an organizer of the Seattle Robotics Society Robothon event.

Post Meeting Social

Following the official meeting folks are welcome to wander over to the Coffee Haus at the Overlake Red Robin (148th Ave and 24th) to continue chatting until they close the doors!

A Word From Our Sponsor

Please thank Microsoft for sponsoring our meeting room and Teams account!


Coming Soon!