Please note that in order to offset some of the costs necessary to host this meeting, there will be a $10 charge to non-NWCPP and non-WSA members. Membership in the NWCPP is free, and is …
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Please note that in order to offset some of the costs necessary to host this meeting, there will be a $10 charge to non-NWCPP and non-WSA members. Membership in the NWCPP is free, and is …
Learn about the new native device development feature in the next release of Visual Studio. This talk will cover developing, debugging and deploying C++ applications to Pocket PC, Smartphone and Windows CE. It will also cover improvements made since …
Writing loops over sequences is harder in C++ than in other languages, many of which provide a dedicated for_each looping construct. In this talk, Eric describes how to implement and use a generic, type-safe and extensible foreach construct in …
January 8th, 2003 — Unit Testing — Asim Jalis
February 12th, 2003 — Mojo — Andrei Alexandrescu
March 12th, 2003 — Resource Management in C++ — Bartosz Milewski
April 9th, 2003 — New Features in Visual C++ .NET 2003 — Ed Dudenhoefer
May 14th, 2003 — The Bizarro World of hetero_stack… — Eric Niebler
read moreIn October 2003, a new ECMA standards committee was formed to create an international standard for “C++/CLI,” a set of C++ extensions for .NET programming designed by Microsoft in collaboration with C++ industry …
Please note that in order to offset some of the costs necessary to host this meeting, there will be a $10 charge to non-NWCPP and non-WSA members. Membership in the NWCPP is free, and is …
Traditional procedural approach to thread programming is to create a thread and pass it a function to execute. But a function operates on data. The data is most likely shared with other threads. In the object-oriented world data comes …
Ask any developer, and they will tell you that multithreaded programming is hard. Very hard. One staple of this difficult style of programming is the effective and thorough use of mutexes and critical sections. Unfortunately this technique can be …
The Bizarro World of hetero_stack, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love RTTI, or Alignment, Exceptions and Type-Safety, Oh My! or Subverting the C++ Type System for Fun and Profit.
hetero_stack is a dynamic replacement for the …