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November 10th, 2003 — The Future of C++: A Panel Discussion with the Experts — Andrei Alexandrescu, Scott Meyers, & Herb Sutter

Published: Sat 01 November 2003
By nwcpp

In 2003.


1035 116th Ave NE
Bellevue, Washington, 98004


Please note that in order to offset some of the costs necessary to host this meeting, there will be a $10 charge to non-NWCPP and non-WSA members. Membership in the NWCPP is free, and is a great way to ensure that you may attend this meeting for free. To become a member, visit the Membership page and join our mailing list. Only members on the NWCPP mailing list and WSA members may attend the meeting for free!

This meeting is a great opportunity to pick the minds of some of the most well-known experts in the C++ community! The meeting will be a moderated panel discussion and the three experts will be open to questions from the audience regarding the current state of the C++ language and the direction in which it is forging ahead. This is a unique opportunity, and we hope that you can be a part of it.


Andrei Alexandrescu is a world-class expert in software development using C++. In the C++ community, he is best known for his book, Modern C++ Design. Also, Andrei is a columnist for C/C++ Users Journal, a former columnist for the C++ Report, and a sought-after speaker at conferences worldwide.

Scott Meyers is one of the world’s foremost experts on C++ software development. He wrote the best-selling Effective C++ series (Effective C++, More Effective C++, and Effective STL); wrote and designed the innovative Effective C++ CD; is consulting editor for Addison Wesley’s Effective Software Development Series; and is a member of the advisory board for Software Development magazine. He also sits on technical advisory boards for several start-up companies. A programmer since 1972, he holds an M.S. in Computer Science from Stanford University and a Ph.D. from Brown University.

Herb Sutter is a leading authority on C++ software development. Author of more than 180 technical articles and papers and of the widely acclaimed books Exceptional C++ and More Exceptional C++, he regularly gives invited talks at conferences around the world and is available for private training and mentoring for new and current corporate clients.

Please note that in order to accommodate the increased attendance, this meeting will be held on Monday at the Overlake Medical Conference Center rather than our usual Wednesday meeting at Avaya.