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How to Sponsor NWCPP
Several companies have chosen to sponsor our monthly meetings. Often these companies supply free pizza for the meeting. Other companies may choose to give away products.
If you sponsor us, we will add a brief mention on the front page which links to our sponsorship page.
NWCPP welcomes your sponsorship …
read moreJune 15th, 2011 — Avoiding Over and Under Design — Alan Shalloway
Come at 6:30pm for the pizza provided by Corensic.
The question of how much design to do up-front on a project is an engaging one. Too much design often results in overkill, complexity, and wasted work. Too little design results in insufficient system structures that require rework, additional …
May 18th, 2011 — C++0x Lambda Functions — Herb Sutter
The Northwest C++ Users Group’ would like to extend a very special welcome to Herb Sutter as the speaker for the May 2011 meeting.
Come at 6:30 for pizza provided by Corensic!
Why care about C++0x lambda functions? Syntactically, they are nothing but sugar for function objects …
April 20th, 2011: ‘C’ for Microcontrollers, Just Being Efficient — Lloyd Moore
Come at 6:30 for pizza provided by Amazon Digital!
Microcontrollers represent a highly resource constrained environment. Very small microcontrollers typically have only several KB of program space available and several hundred bytes of memory, in addition to very low clock speeds. This talk will look at how to …
March 16th, 2011 — Debuggers and Mago — Aldo Nunez
Come at 6:30pm to socialize and eat pizza provided by Summit Group Solutions!
Debuggers are an important tool for helping software engineers get to the root of certain problems. Mago is a graphical debugger dedicated to the D programming language on Windows. It is made up of several …
February 16th, 2011 — The Thought Process of Patterns: Essential Design Skills — Alan Shalloway
Pizza will be supplied by Net Objectives
Patterns have been known as “Solutions to Recurring Problems in a Context.” However, they are really more than just that. In fact, Christopher Alexander, the inspirer of design patterns in general and the author of this quote later says at the end …
January 19th, 2011 — Determinism and Fail-Stop Races for Sane Multiprocessing — Luis Ceze
Current multicore systems are nondeterministic. Each time they execute a multithreaded application, even if supplied with the same input, they can produce a different output. This frustrates debugging, limits the ability to properly test multithreaded code and hinders fault-tolerant scenarios. Moreover, data-races often lead to surprising behavior and complicate …
December 2010: No Meeting
November 17th, 2010 — Bartosz Milewski — C++ vs. Haskell: Type Classes vs. Concepts
C++ Concepts got a lot of bad press and were dropped from C++0x. They were considered too complex with too few benefits. And yet their equivalent in Haskell, type classes, are considered simple and powerful. I will talk about both languages, explaining some Haskell and C++ concept syntax …
October 20th, 2010 — Steve Yegge — Scaling and Standardizing Programming Language Analysis at Google
Wednesday, October 20, 2010, at 7pm. 41/1511, Microsoft. Come early to socialize and eat pizza.
Modern IDEs and compilers generate a wealth of information, and you can’t have any of it. Tools in the compiler family — even the best IDEs — tend to be monolithic, language-specific, generally non-scalable …