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Meetings in September

Upcoming Meetings

Our NWCPP meeting for September will be coordinated with CppCon at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue. CppCon is open to everyone, with or without registration for the evening sessions and ALL sessions on Friday.

Please see the CppCon web site at Http:// for current details.


Embedded C++ by Ben Saks, Dan Saks, Andrew Sloss and Odin Holmes Video1

Mixing Managed and Unmanaged Code and Targeting Cross Platform Distributions by Brett Searles, Kate Gregory, Aaron Robinson, and Lloyd Moore Video2

Cross-platform C++ development is challenging - let tools help! by Marc Goodner, and Will Buik Video3

Optimizing Code Speed and Space with Build Time Switches by Xiang Fan, Ian Bearman, Michael Wong, Brett Searles and Chandler Carruth Video4

Creating the Complete Build Package by Boris Kolpackov, Titus Winter, Robert Schumacher and Manuel Klimek Video5