Upcoming Meetings
Our NWCPP meeting for September will be coordinated with CppCon at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue. CppCon is open to everyone, with or without registration for the evening sessions and ALL sessions on Friday.
Please see the CppCon web site at Http://cppcon.org for current details.
Featured Events at CppCon
Tuesday September 25 at 8:30 PM - 10:00 PM: Embedded C++ by Ben Saks, Dan Saks, Andrew Sloss and Odin Holmes
C++ has not always been the first language choice to use in embedded environments, but with the advent of modern C++, its use has been on the rise. Developing for embedded environments generally and the Internet of Things (IoT) specifically, presents challenges for which modern C++ offers a unique tool set. Come ask the experts on how they view C++ in this space and how to use modern C++ to get the best performance possible to meet the demands embedded systems such as IoT.
Wednesday, September 26th at 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM: Mixing Managed and Unmanaged Code and Targeting Cross Platform Distributions by Brett Searles, Kate Gregory, Aaron Robinson, and Lloyd Moore
Even though we love C++, we don’t live in a C++-only world. In this session, you will be given the opportunity to ask questions about the best way to build applications in C++, yet also make them accessible to clients who use managed code. There will also be experts to answer questions about best practices for building C++ so it may be utilized efficiently in a cross-platform environment.
Wednesday, September 26th at 6:45PM to 8:00 PM: Cross-platform C++ development is challenging - let tools help! by Marc Goodner, and Will Buik
Writing high-quality error-free C++ code itself is a challenging task, let alone when having to juggle multiple platforms at the same time! In this session, we will talk about many challenges in cross-platform C++ development and how tools can help: what options do I have if my production environment is different than my dev box? Can I be as productive when working with remote Linux machines? Is there any good C++ editor that works consistently on all platforms I work on? How can I efficiently build and debug CMake projects, or even get IntelliSense? How can I easily find and acquire open sourced libraries? Is there an easy way to write and run cross-platform tests? Come to see what Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio Code, CMake, WSL, Vcpkg and more have to offer to make cross-platform C++ development much easier in this demo-heavy talk.
Wednesday, September 26th at 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM: Optimizing Code Speed and Space with Build Time Switches by Xiang Fan, Ian Bearman, Michael Wong, Brett Searles and Chandler Carruth
Our compilers and linkers are powerful tools and like many power tools, mastery means understanding the settings. Come join compiler experts to get your questions answered on how to get the best from your code whether you are building for speed or space.
Thursday, September 27 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM: Creating the Complete Build Package by Boris Kolpackov, Titus Winter, Robert Schumacher, Paddy McDonald and Manuel Klimek
Even though we all have to build our application, there may be issues that are necessary to consider. Like, how do we create build packages so that our application can be cross-platform? What about Modules? How can unit testing and end to end testing be integrated at the end of the build? Please bring questions so that you can get answers from our panelists.
Embedded C++ by Ben Saks, Dan Saks, Andrew Sloss and Odin Holmes Video1
Mixing Managed and Unmanaged Code and Targeting Cross Platform Distributions by Brett Searles, Kate Gregory, Aaron Robinson, and Lloyd Moore Video2
Cross-platform C++ development is challenging - let tools help! by Marc Goodner, and Will Buik Video3
Optimizing Code Speed and Space with Build Time Switches by Xiang Fan, Ian Bearman, Michael Wong, Brett Searles and Chandler Carruth Video4
Creating the Complete Build Package by Boris Kolpackov, Titus Winter, Robert Schumacher and Manuel Klimek Video5
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