Upcoming Meetings
Our NWCPP meeting for September will be coordinated with CppCon at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue. CppCon is open to everyone, with or without registration for the evening sessions and ALL sessions on Friday.
Please see the CppCon web site at Http://cppcon.org for current details.
Featured Events at CppCon
Tuesday at 8:30 PM: Mixing Managed and Unmanaged Code and Targeting Cross Platform Distributions by Brett Searles and Kenny Kerr Even though we love C++, we don’t live in a C++-only world. In this session, you will be given the opportunity to ask questions about the best way to build applications in C++, yet also make them accessible to clients who use managed code. There will also be experts to answer questions about best practices for building C++ so it may be utilized efficiently in a cross-platform environment.
Wednesday at 8:30 PM: Optimizing Code Speed and Space with Build Time Switches by Brett Searles, Chandler Carruth, and Jim Radigan Our compilers and linkers are powerful tools and like many power tools, mastery means understanding the settings. Come join compiler experts to get your questions answered on how to get the best from your code whether you are building for speed or space.
Thursday 8:30 PM: C++ in the Internet of Things by Brett Searles and Lloyd Moore C++ has not always been the first language choice to use in embedded environments, but with the advent of modern C++, its use has been on the rise. Developing for embedded environments generally and the Internet of Things (IoT) specifically, presents challenges for which modern C++ offers a unique tool set. Come ask the experts on how they view C++ in this space and how to use modern C++ to get the best performance possible to meet the demands of IoT.
Friday 4:45 PM to 5:45 PM: Building for the Best of us: Design and Development with Kids in Mind, Sara Chipps CEO of Jewelbots (https://cppcon2017.sched.com/event/Bkep) Jewelbots! Sarah Chipps will be talking about Jewelbots at CppCon. Jewelbots are a great way to get kids (especially young ladies) into programming (in C++!). https://cppcon.org/jewelbots-announce-2017/ Coming to see her is free. You can optionally reserve a Jewelbot for the workshop for $10 There will be food trucks nearby at GameOn Bellevue Parking for the event is free at the Meydenbauer on Fri after 3pm.
Optimizing Code Speed and Spade with Build Time Switches Panel https://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=n0SFbCDb71zCedy1&u=/watch%3Fv%3D9RFYVbHRoLg%26feature%3Dem-upload_owner
Internet of Things Panel https://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=sBfkW6xhbtpa6_Ip&u=/watch%3Fv%3DgmW6b0I_t5k%26feature%3Dem-upload_owner
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