The D Programming Language is the result of many years of experience with compilers and languages, especially C++. C++ is a powerful, groundbreaking language. D comes from looking at what works in C++, what doesn’t work, and refactoring the language to take advantage of hindsight in how things can work better. D adds in proven capabilities from other modern languages that are sorely missed in C++. This talk is an overview of D—what it is, why it is that way, and how it works out in practice.
Walter Bright’s first major program was the groundbreaking wargame Empire. He then became interested in compilers and computer languages. He’s written compilers for ABEL, Pascal, C, C++, Java, Javascript, and now D. His extensive experience writing C++ compilers and well over a decade being on the front lines of doing C++ customer support is an ideal background for improving on the language.