Microsoft Visual Studio 7 .NET has shipped with improved support for ANSI C++. The whole .NET aspect of this tool, discussed extensively in this and other forums, is radically new and at first blush is incompatible with ANSI C++, native code COM objects, etc. This talk will address some of the aspects of how Microsoft proposes to bridge the gap between existing source code, COM objects, etc. and executables using the new suite of .NET technologies, in particular using the ‘Managed C++’ syntax.
Matthew Griscom has coded medical communications protocols, database integrity tools, a multi-user database engine, XSL-driven web pages, you name it, for both Unix and Windows. Now, if only one of the cosmonauts on the Space Station would push the button to use the connectivity software he designed and wrote, that would be sincerely cool… Matt’s been dot-bombed and is looking for C++ and .NET work in greater Seattle.
Click here to download the slides and source code from the presentation