Time and Location
Source Dependency Management
I’m careful to use the term “Dependency Management” to describe this discussion as a generalized topic. I will outline my experience managing the software dependencies in my latest C# project, a RESTful web API. I’ll cover software development goals such as SOLID and DRY principles, designing adaptable software components, testing, publishing and executing software in various environments.
I’ll discuss “Dependency Injectability” patterns that help concrete implementations fulfill the goals mentioned above. And I’ll discuss the various forms of “Dependency Injection” from “Pure DI”, which is just another pattern and does not require a supporting library, to the complicated and controversial world of “Dependency Injection Containers”, which do. I hope to touch on a number of patterns, anti-patterns and a few patterns in between.
Finally, I hope to take a tour of some DI Container libraries in C# (Unity, Autofac), C++ (boost::di) and D (poodinis).
Speaker Bio
Michael Jones
Michael Jones has 17 years of experience coding in languages such as C++, C#, Groovy, and Python. He’s worked at Midway Games in Chicago, Cranky Pants Games in Kirkland, YouTube at Google in Mountain View, Xbox and Azure locally at Microsoft. He’s interested in cool code, and has recently integrated dependency injection techniques into his programming practices. Mike’s currently working on the Azure Identity services at Microsoft and has been programming exclusively in C# for a few years now. He enjoys the recent pace of modern language design across many languages.
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