NOTE: The Overlake Hospital Conference Center is off Old Main Street and 107th in Bellevue, not at the hospital itself. Take Main Street and turn North onto 107th, conference center will be on your left.
This is a very special, 2-day meeting that we are co-hosting with the Windows Developer’s SIG of the Washington Software Alliance. Please try to attend both days.
We are very fortunate to have this free presentation from Jeffrey, who is in great demand as a .NET and Windows development expert. If you attend only one meeting this year, make it this one.
Microsoft .NET is a radical new computing platform that promises to change software development as we know it. Programmers who embrace .NET will no longer write to the Windows API or rely upon tried-and-true tools such as MFC and ATL. Instead, they’ll target a framework called the .NET Base Class Library (BCL), and a significant percentage of them will use a new language, C#, to craft their wares. .NET compilers won’t produce native machine code as today’s compilers do; instead, they’ll generate a pseudo-machine code called Intermediate Language (IL) that’s executed by the .NET run-time. This new programming paradigm will simplify the Windows programming model and make Web applications easier to write than ever before. And it will enable a new generation of software that runs on every conceivable type of computing device, from the most powerful Web server to the lowliest hand-held PC.
Jeffrey Richter is the author of Microsoft Press’ “Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows” and M & T’s “Windows 95: A Developer’s Guide,” two of the bibles of Windows development. His newest book, “Programming Server-Side Applications for Windows 2000,” was published by Microsoft Press in 2000.
Jeffrey is also a frequent contributor to Microsoft’s MSDN Magazine (formerly called MSJ) and other trade publications, and is MSDN’s Win32 columnist. More info on Jeffrey at http://www.jeffreyrichter.com.
Jeffrey Richter, Jeff Prosise and John Robbins have recently combined forces to created Wintellect, which will no doubt become the preeminent training and consulting organization of its kind. Jeffrey’s presentation to us comes from material he’s developed for Wintellect courses. More information at http://www.wintellect.com.