1. February 18th, 2009 — CCR: Concurrency and Coordination Runtime — Andreas Ulbrich

    Published: Sun 01 February 2009
    By nwcpp

    In 2009.


    Building 41
    One Microsoft Way
    Redmond, Washington 98052


    The Concurrency and Coordination Runtime (CCR) provides developers an easy way to create and coordinate loosely-coupled, data-driven applications. It is one of the core building blocks of Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio but has applications far beyond robotics. CCR …

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  2. May 20th, 2008 — Enforcing Code Feature Requirements in C++ — Scott Meyers

    Published: Thu 01 May 2008
    By nwcpp

    In 2008.


    Building 41
    One Microsoft Way
    Redmond, Washington 98052


    Functions often depend on particular behavioral characteristics (“features”) of code they invoke. For example, thread-safe code must invoke only thread-safe code if it is to remain thread-safe, and exception-safe code must invoke only exception-safe code. This talk describes …

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  3. April 16th, 2008 — Programming Declaratively in C++ Using the Logic Paradigm — Roshan Naik

    Published: Tue 01 April 2008
    By nwcpp

    In 2008.


    Building 41
    One Microsoft Way
    Redmond, Washington 98052


    The Logic paradigm (LP) is a powerful, Turing-complete programming paradigm that has seen little representation in mainstream languages as compared to the Object-Oriented, Imperative and Functional paradigms. LP is an important approach in Computer Science towards what is …

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