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February 18th, 2009 — CCR: Concurrency and Coordination Runtime — Andreas Ulbrich

Published: Sun 01 February 2009
By nwcpp

In 2009.


Building 41
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, Washington 98052


The Concurrency and Coordination Runtime (CCR) provides developers an easy way to create and coordinate loosely-coupled, data-driven applications. It is one of the core building blocks of Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio but has applications far beyond robotics. CCR provides a message-passing architecture with powerful orchestration primitives enabling the coordination of data and work.


Andreas is a Senior Engineer in the Microsoft Robotics Group, where he works on CCR, DSS, and the Visual Programming Language. Prior to joining Microsoft, he worked on telecommunication and interactive television products and was a Research Assistant at Technische Universtitaet Berlin in Germany.


Download the slides and source code from the presentation.