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Feburary 18, 2015—The STM32 Microcontroller

Time and Location

February 18st, 2015 at 7:00 PM
Steptoe Room, Cafeteria 40,
Microsoft Campus,
156th Ave NE,
Redmond, WA 98052.


The talk will cover tools and techniques related to the ST Microelectronics STM32 microcontrollers. Agenda: ST Overview, ST Nucleo Ecosystem Overview, ARM mbed Ecosystem Overview (tentative), STM32 on mbed, STM32 Rapid Prototyping Tools Demo, Q/A


Slim Jallouli Sr. Field Applications Engineer Slim has been with STMicro in the MCU group for over 12 years. He has a broad range of expertise in embedded software, STM32 and ARM Cortex-M, ARM7 and ARM9, USB, general electronics.

Ken Sullivan, Executive Account Manager Ken has been with STMicro for 2 years. He has been in sales and marking in the PNW electronics industry for over 30years.


Video | Slides