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February 20th, 2008 — Memory Allocation: Either Love It or Hate It. (Or Just Think It’s OK.) — Andrei Alexandrescu

Published: Fri 01 February 2008
By nwcpp

In 2008.


Building 41
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, Washington 98052


Memory allocation is a problem so wicked, many people think it’s either solved or unsolvable. This talk goes through the gory details of memory allocation; what the classic designs are; how special handcrafted allocators may improve (or degrade) the bottom line performance of your application; how to write a policy-based allocator with a modular design that beats a monolithic handcrafted one; and how the advent of manycores influences allocator designs. Ninety leak-free minutes.


Andrei Alexandrescu has achieved the rare feat of becoming an authority in both industry and research circles. He almost single-handedly revolutionized and reinvented C++ programming with his seminal book, Modern C++ Design. Andrei’s other publications include the award-winning C++ Coding Standards book (as a coauthor), four peer-reviewed academic papers, and dozens of articles in top trade journals, either under the byline of his Generic<Programming> column, or as a featured author.

After having worked in fields as varied as banking, databases, and Internet applications, Andrei is focusing on graph-based statistical modeling for natural language processing (NLP), field rife with huge data sets, computationally-intensive algorithms, and massively parallel execution. His vast expertise, presence, and humor make Andrei a sought-after speaker at technical conferences.

Andrei holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from University “Politehnica” Bucharest and an MS in Computer Science from University of Washington, where he is also a graduating PhD in Summer 2008. (N.B. He will soon be looking for a job.) His web site is


Download the slides from the presentation.

Watch the video of the presentation.