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April 25th, 2007 — Red Code, Green Code:  Generalizing const — Scott Meyers

Published: Sun 01 April 2007
By nwcpp

In 2007.


Building 41
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, Washington 98052


C++ compilers allow non-const code to call const code, but going the other way requires a cast. In this talk, Scott describes an approach he’s been pursuing to generalize this notion to arbitrary criteria. For example, thread-safe code should only call other thread-safe code (unless you explicitly permit it on a per-call basis). Ditto for exception-safe code, code not “contaminated” by some open source license, or any other constraint you choose. The approach is based on template metaprogramming (TMP), and the implementation uses the Boost metaprogramming library (Boost.MPL), so constraint violations are, wherever possible, detected during compilation.

Topics likely to be mentioned during the talk include Hellen Keller, namespaces, multiple inheritance, Barton and Nackman, enable_if, traits, TMP debugging, VC8 ICEs, MPL bugs, dancing bears, NVI, metaprogrammer Hell, Captain Kirk, Acyclic Visitor, Scopeguard, External Polymorphism, and prayer. Possibly also Vista, Google, and Lenovo.

Scott will show proof-of-concept code that, so far as he can tell, actually works.


Scott Meyers is one of the world’s foremost authorities on C++; he provides training and consulting services to clients worldwide. He wrote the best-selling Effective C++ series (Effective C++, More Effective C++, and Effective STL); wrote and designed the innovative Effective C++ CD; is consulting editor for Addison Wesley’s Effective Software Development Series; and serves on the Advisory Board for The C++ Source. He has a Ph.D in Computer Science from Brown University. His web site is


Download the slides from the presentation.

Watch the video of the presentation.