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Looking under the Hood to Optimize C++ Code
Many times when learning how to write software, engineers are taught data structures, algorithms and how to write in a specific language. As they progress through their career, they learn how to make to code more performant through tips and language changes. However, they learn little about how the application interacts with the platform the application needs to perform. This presentation will try to go further into the environment that the application needs to run and gives ideas that any engineer can explore further to get the ultimate performance improvements in their written code.
Speaker Bio
Brett Searles is the Principal Architect and Developer for Attobotics and is working on a universal compiler for embedded systems. He has also been working on a chip design and programming language for that chipset for a Virtual Surgical Center for the past 20 years. Brett is currently the Vice President of the NWCPP and the volunteer chair for CppCon.
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