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December 2010: No Meeting
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December 2009: No Meeting
November 18th, 2009 — Metaprogramming in D : Some Real-world Examples — Bill Baxter
In the D Programming Language it is possible for even mere mortals to write code that executes at compile-time. And the resulting code is generally even human readable! In this talk I’ll show some of the metaprogramming …
October 21st, 2009 — Haskell and C++ Template Metaprogramming — Bartosz Milewski
It’s a well known fact in C++ metaprogramming circles that it’s all based on functional programming. What else is based on functional programming? Haskell! I will go through functional features of Haskell, one by one, and …
September 16th, 2009 — Ownership System Against Data Races — Bartosz Milewski
After reading a bunch of papers about type systems that prevent data races in multithreaded programs, I asked myself the question: Short of a type system, can a clever methodology be used to prevent data races? It turns …
August 2009: No Meeting
July 2009: No Meeting